Slowing immigration may affect the economy

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Business Economy

Museveni Praises Anita Among’s Efficient, Exemplary Leadership

President Museveni on Sunday well-defined Speaker Anita Among as a demonstrably efficient, progressive, unifying and exemplary leader in Bukedea, Teso and Uganda, consequently throwing all the accusations against the Speaker of Parliament to the dustbin of shame. President Yoweri Museveni went to Bukedea district on Sunday to officially open the 21st edition of the Federation […]

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Museveni implores Mitooma People to embrace four-acre model

President Museveni has said the government is also working towards ensuring that all Ugandans become prosperous by joining the money economy. He implored the people of Mitooma to embrace the four-acre model type of farming to improve their livelihoods. “On one acre, grow coffee, on the second grow fruits, then the third one do zero […]

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Economy National

Church of Uganda Launches Seed Capital to Empower Women in Kumi Diocese

Church of Uganda Launches Transformative Seed Capital Initiative in Kumi Diocese Church of Uganda launched a transformative seed capital initiative in Kumi Diocese on Monday to address gender based violence and promote women’s economic empowerment. The launch happened at St Stephen’s Church of Uganda in Kumi Municipality, Kumi Diocese. The Bishop of Kumi Diocese, Rt […]

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